Discussion On Mobile Phone Shops

| Sunday, September 23, 2018
By Jennifer Brown

Hear ye, hear ye. Have a look at our words and sentences that will surely baffle and amaze ye. Doubtful but okay. Just wanted to get your attention. Can you call that click bait? Wait, this is not a YouTube channel or video. A click bait article? There we go. We doubt we will end up talking about the same thing though. More likely than not, we go off into our own world. So with that being said, have a lookie at Mobile Phone Shop North York Toronto.

She had been feeling miserable all through the month but this just takes the cake. She tried not to pull her hair out of frustration and genuine stress. This was NOT happening. She will not believe it. What do you mean she has been kidnapped? She screamed frantically into her phone.

I still have to call her but I doubt she would not know about it since this mess is all over the news. I bet Hanz knows about it by now, wherever the hell she is. Lace rubbed a hand down her face, stressed beyond belief.

Last Saturday. She was in the same pub that the terrorists attacked and the bartender reported that they took Rei after she was shot.Lace could feel the blood drain from her face, eyes going wide. Before she knew it, he mouth opened and she let out a couple of expletives as well as call out a saint.

As she muttered an excuse to her superior and got her bag, she remembered that time on Friday, the day before Rei got shot, when she was hurrying to get to the bus in the pouring rain. What a crappy that had been. Where everything started for her and made her previous days hell. Dramatic enough for you?

Sorry. There was a pause from Xerxes end. Then she sighed. We have to meet up. A. S. A. P. Where? The greenette asked shortly. Demis.Was the answer. She is supposed to be surprised but not all her emotions were intact for now. For all she knew, there could be a fire in the next building and she would just laugh at it.

I do not care if her family will not let us in. We need to get a hold of her. Lace breathed in through her nose then exhaled the same way, hunching over the bathrooms mirror. Okay. What about Hanz?

Xerxes said the terrorists took her so that means she is still alive, right? But... For how long? Did you tell Hanz? Her dad is a cop, right? Can we ask him? He is not busy so he must have a clue. Cops are supposed to help and Rei is like a daughter to her too, right?

Lace nodded even though she knew Xerxes could not see and ended the call. She then shoved her phone in her pocket while gritting her teeth. She scowled at her reflection. Eye bags and a very pale face greeted her. What was once a divine beauty was now a washed up version of it. She hated it but she had no choice.

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